What To Do Right After Creating Your First Blog?

what to do right after creating your first blog

Hope you have created your own blog if you didn’t then read how to create your first blog. Now you have already started to write quality content. Now try to understand the next step properly. I agree that you know about the particular topic. You can write informative article and tutorials. But it does not make any change until you inform the world about your blog.

You are the ultimate person who will inform everyone to visit your blog. Ok, now you may be confused and tired with this topic right? Well, there are more things to do right after creating your personal blog. I am listing these points step by step for your better understanding.

Use Google webmaster tools :
Google webmaster tool is the service provided by Google. Since without Google we all are blind, so its time to inform Google about your post. Try to sign up with Google webmaster tool and manage your blog there. Google webmaster tool helps to crawl and index your blog in search engine.

Bing Webmaster:
Its similar service like Google. Sign up and register your blog to index fat your blog in search engine.

Create Social Pages:
Social sites are the excellent worker to boost your post. Social site is the place where everyone gathers and discusses their thoughts. You can make page to share your own blog posts.

Submit Blog In Social Bookmark Site:
Social bookmarking sites are very much effective to send instant traffic to your blog. Register in top social bookmark sites and share your posts.

Create Sitemap:
Sitemap is like food for search engine. Sitemap index your post when you create sitemap for your blog or site. It is nothing but the map of your blog or site. It tells the search engine what new post you have made.

Post Frequently:
People start their blogging career being very energetic. But gradually they lose their confidence and stop writing new post .You should continue your posting to boost your search engine ranking.

You can do a lot for your blog. Above these are the basic things that you should do after making your new blog. For promoting your blog keep reading my other posts relating promotion.


Intaj Mondal
Intaj Mondal,He is a passionate blogger from India.He loves to write on several topics related Blog,Internet,Money making methods and more others.You can find me on