How To Mark Screenshot For Perfect Tutorials

If you have blog and you help people through your writing,you might have used the pointing tool which helps to follow step by step instructions. Yes, this is a great way to guide beginners with perfect screenshots attaching in your posts.

There are number of software available which may reduce your job but either those software expensive or not user friendly.Today in this post I will give you simple tip which will let you create screenshot without any software.This is free,easy and ultimately faster process.

For doing this job you need to install Microsoft word in your computer.Now open it from the start menu or desktop shortcut.You can directly paste screenshot (ctrl+PrtScr) or insert picture from your PC in Microsoft word.So,now you have the picture and it needs to be marked,I prefer arrow style for easy view.Here you need to work little bit,see the menu bar and click insert – > go to shape -> choose arrow style and drag the mouse button.

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You can see the arrow bar is there now you can rotate it,make it large or whatever size you wish.After final marking its time take a screenshot and cut the main part of picture using paint (take screenshot and paste it in MS paint),save the picture format .jpg or .png format for uploading in your server.

Intaj Mondal
Intaj Mondal,He is a passionate blogger from India.He loves to write on several topics related Blog,Internet,Money making methods and more others.You can find me on