Sudapost Tracking – Suda Post tracking to know parcel, package, speedpost ems, delivery status.Get latest shipment status from SUDAN POST

Suda Post is the national postal operator of Sudan. Sudanese Postal Services was founded over ten years ago in 2009. Suda Post is the leading national carrier representing the country in regional and international postal unions.
Sudan Post sees its mission in reforming and rebuilding the country’s postal environment by providing its customers with innovative and user-friendly technologies while adapting its services in line with international regulations.
Main Post Suda services and regions of coverage
In accordance with its mission and goals, Post Suda provides three main groups of services:
- Logistics services. This is a strategic project of the company, which complements some of its other services. Logistics is carried out through a special management system, and control through the logistics service section.
- Financial services. This group of services offers the sale of electricity (through a prepaid system), the possibility of paying pensions and postal money transfer.
- The postal group is represented by various services, such as express, regular and registered mail, as well as mailbox services, registered mail, delivery service and some others.
Logistics services are one of the strategic projects within the expansionist policy of the company. It is considered complementary to the group of services offered by Post Suda and includes services for the storage, delivery, handling and customs processing of goods. This service offers transportation and warehousing of goods in any part of Sudan and beyond.
Express mail sent via Post Suda does not go through HUBS, so shipments reach their destination quickly without increasing the cost of the service. All correspondence is insured.
The Sudan Postal Service works with postal and courier companies around the world, including the Middle East, Europe, the USA, Russia and Japan.
Track other postal services :
Sudan Post is engaged in the delivery, processing and warehousing of goods, and also cooperates with a huge number of transport companies and online stores. Do not be surprised if you see that your order has a Sudan tracking number – many parcels go through this country. Sudan Post postal tracking is no different from parcels from China or Ukraine, and the company itself has established itself as a reliable carrier.
If you are buying goods not through an online store, but trying to arrange delivery yourself, then you should remember that a different tariff applies to international shipments, and the cost will depend on the weight of the cargo and the delivery distance. It is better to find out all the information on the website (although you will have to practice with an online translator).
How to track a Suda post parcel by tracking number? (SudaPost Tracking)
Post Suda is a socially responsible operator whose goal is to take Sudan’s postal services to the next level. But the tools they use are not as modern as some users are used to. It is not yet possible to track the parcel by the number on the Sudan post online on the official website of the carrier, they do not have their own service. But recently, a link to the Universal Postal Union has appeared on the company’s website, where you can enter the Post Suda track number and track the package.
Users have other online parcel tracking services at their disposal, where you can find out the fate of shipments from various postal carriers from around the world, including from Sudan.
Sudapost Tracking Number Format
Post Suda assigns a track number to each shipment So that the client can check the parcel by identifier. the format of which is as follows: R # *** *** *** SD – # letter, * number, at the end a letter or number (most often just SD ), such as EE123456785SD, RR123456785SD or CP123456785SD.
Copy and paste your Sudan Post tracking number into the search field on the website of the carrier or other service to verify shipments. This way you can track the package along the entire delivery path, including movements carried out by other carriers outside of Sudan. On the territory of Russia, parcels sent via Post Suda can be delivered to their destination by local services such as the Russian Post, courier companies ( SDEK , DHL , etc.), but the track number of the cargo will remain unchanged.
Another way to check the parcel by Post Suda ID if it is in EMS format: enter your track number on the EMS website of the destination country.
When sending goods to another country, Sudan Post uses the 13-digit tracking system accepted worldwide, so you just need to know the track number and enter it in the required line on the main page of our website.
Sudan Post tracking is especially important when transporting goods from foreign online stores. Difficulties and delays may arise at customs, especially if the parcel has to cross the borders of several countries. If you see that the package is clearly delayed, you should immediately contact the seller, otherwise you will not be able to return the goods later if defects are found.
Sudapost tracking , parcel statuses
Since Post Suda does not provide any applications for tracking their packages, the status of the shipments will be as follows:
- left sorting center – left the sorting center;
- arrived to automated postal office – the cargo arrived at the automated post office;
- import (Item arrived at country of destination) — the parcel has arrived in the country of destination;
- arrived at postal office – arrival at the post office.
The statuses will change regularly depending on the location of the shipment, as soon as the package arrives at its destination, the recipient will receive a notification from the local postal or courier service.
- Sudan Post :
- Support : +249183247678