How To Reset WordPress Password Using phpMyAdmin

Reset WordPress Password

WordPress is the most popular CMS (Content Management System) to manage your web content.You can find thousand of articles on WordPress already written by many bloggers.WordPress is simple,user-friendly and easy to start your blogging career.This post helps you to change your WordPress password with phpMyAdmin.

Default Method :

Basically, you can reset WP password with the login form.Check “Lost your password” option at the bottom of the login form.Enter username or email to get a new password.

How phpMyAdmin helps :

The problem arises when Email does not work to reset password.You may get a message that “Sorry – can’t reset password by email WordPress”.Here you have one alternative method that is phpMyAdmin.

How To Reset Password ?

To access phpMyAdmin you have to use your hosting Cpanel dashboard.Now follow below steps :

    1. Find the “Databases” section in CPanel.
    2. Click on “phpMyAdmin” logo

change wordpress password step 1

    1. Expand database if you have multiple databases.
    2. Now select particular database from the list & jump to “wpef_users”
    3. Click on edit to change the password value.

change wordpress password step 2

    1. Select MD5 from “User_Pass” drop down menu
    2. Enter new password and click on “Go” to save the edit.

change wordpress password final step

See I have changed it to – 12345intaj

You have now changed your password successfully.Use the same login credentials that you edited via phpMyAdmin.

Note : You can also modify the email address with “user_email” option.Please change carefully as you are in the main database section.

Intaj Mondal
Intaj Mondal,He is a passionate blogger from India.He loves to write on several topics related Blog,Internet,Money making methods and more others.You can find me on