You can get refund from IRCTC for cancelled tickets which you have booked.Here IRCTC clearly separated each cancellation rules as it could be different types.Below I am putting these cancellation ticket categories : Confirmed tickets : It indicates that your ...

IRCTC ticket cancel charges may be different depending on your ticket status.But in a small sentence I can say the more closed departure time you cancel,your cancel charge would be getting more high.Therefore try to cancel ticket atleast before 4 ...

Flipkart is an Indian largest e-commerce company founded by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal in 2007.Flipkart is basically reputed for the electronics products,you can also get other products from book store to home and furniture items. However Flipkart accepts almost ...

Paytm is one of the trusted sites in India for recharging mobile online.Paytm started their business with the main purpose which is online mobile recharging service.It lets you make payment for utility bills also. Today Paytm has expanded their service ...

Since Paypal does not support all countries and debit cards,People started to find out alternative options to make payment globally.Entropay does it job quite well.Entropay offers both VISA and Mastercard virtual prepaid credit cards. You need to join Entropay to ...

Once again Google changed their logo, expecting huge improvements in any types of screen view.People now browsing & accessing content from different platforms so from this aspect Google has taken very powerful step.The new Google logo interface shows how Google ...