Tracking Posta Romana – Romania Post Tracking to know parcel, package, speedpost ems, delivery status.Get latest shipment status from ROMANIA POST

Posta Romana is the official service of the country, established in 1991. The company offers its customers a wide range of financial, postal and logistics services, which allowed it to successfully enter the Universal Postal Union. 75% of the company’s shares belong to the Romanian Ministry of Communications. More than 35,000 people work in the network of numerous branches and branches located in different regions of the country. The following services are in the highest demand:
- delivery of domestic and international postal items in the format of standard or express services;
- logistics services;
- currency exchange;
- development of custom software for using the mail service, etc.
You can calculate the cost of delivery of parcels and postal items Poșta română yourself using the tariff calculator.
It is extremely rare for Posta română parcels to be lost, but even this can be easily avoided with a timely complaint to the support service (for this, it is enough to use any round-the-clock tracking services).
According to accepted international standards, the company provides for tracking correspondence and parcels of the Romanian Post using individual track numbers. The service is available online on the page of the official website of the postal service. In addition, before sending mail, customers should familiarize themselves with possible restrictions on the size and content of parcels so that they reach the addressee safely and are not returned after a few weeks due to violations of the rules in force within the Universal Postal Union.
Delivery times for parcels and letters from Romanian Post offices
The duration of transportation depends on the remoteness of the destination, the weight and nature of the cargo, the selected service format – standard or express delivery, weather and other conditions. According to current statistics:
- About 30% of goods are delivered to the recipient in 14 days.
- About 25% of shipments arrive at their destination within 15-45 days.
- Slightly more than 30% of parcels are delivered to the addressee in 45-90 days.
- No more than 10% of parcels are delivered within three months.
You can approximately specify the delivery time if you track the parcel of the Romanian Post by a unique track number. Information about the location of the cargo changes immediately after changing its status, which allows you to receive up-to-date information and reduce the risk of losing the shipment.
How to track your parcel or letter using the unique number of the “Romanian Post”
To track a parcel or cargo of Romanian Post by an identifier code, you must enter a unique track number in the appropriate form. The composition of the code depends on the type of postal item: up to 2 kg – a package, from 2 to 20 kg – a parcel. In total, the track number contains 13 characters:
- RA….RO – for packages;
- EE……RO for EMS shipments;
- CD…….RO for parcels up to 20 kg.
The decoding of the number that allows you to check the parcel or letter of the Romanian Post by identifier is carried out as follows:
- The first letters are the type of postal item.
- A combination of nine digits is a unique number.
- The letters RO at the end indicate the country where the postal item was accepted for shipment.
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Tracking Posta Romana PARCEL BY NUMBER
Each parcel has a unique track number: it is assigned during registration at the post office, it is a unique combination of numbers and letters, it is necessary to track Posta română mail.
There are many different services for tracking posta Romana packages and parcel. We can single out tracking service, which, in addition to searching for goods by the tracker number, provides advanced features for its users.
The Romanian Post helps to track the parcel by number for free in a special section of its website, only within its own country, while each track number will have to be entered separately, which is very inconvenient. If you need to track several mail items inside or outside Romania at once, it is better to use other services.
You can track the Poșta română parcel from the moment you assigned an identification number during registration, but you should always keep in mind that it will only start moving along the route after 7-10 days (this time is necessary for sorting and preparing for shipment).
The algorithm for tracking Poșta română parcels is simple (registration on the site is not required, tracking is only carried out within Romania):
- open the Romanian Post website and agree to translate the page;
- go to the parcel search section;
- enter the Romanian Post track number in the box and press the red “Search” button.
Always keep in mind that searches outside of Romania are not conducted on the national postal website.
What service is better to use to track parcels Poșta română
There are many different services and applications for Romania Post tracking mail, but one of the more convenient sites for tracking parcels is, of course, with a specially designed browser extension:
- tracks packages in different countries;
- provides accurate information online;
- sends notifications to your email inbox (round the clock);
- saves your favorite stores in a shortcut bookmark.
Continuous tracking of parcels helps to avoid wasting time searching for mail items by timely contacting the support service of the Romanian post, or by e-mail
Shipment statuses for users who want to check a parcel or postal cargo from Romanian Post by track number
To check the package using the Romanian Post code, you should be able to decipher the displayed statuses:
- Reception of departure – the parcel is located at the post office and is processed for dispatch.
- Processing in the sorting center – the shipment is being prepared for shipment to the country or city of destination.
- Customs procedures – the cargo is at the border and undergoes customs clearance.
- Export (arrival in the country of the recipient) – the parcel has successfully crossed the border.
- Arrival at destination / processing at the sorting center – postal procedures in the region of destination.
- Delivery of the parcel – the shipment is waiting for the moment of delivery to the addressee.
About Romania Post :
Romanian Post (Poşta Română) is the national postal service provider in Romania. Provides postal and logistics services. The headquarters is located in Bucharest. Founded in 1991, it is one of the founders and members of the UPU – the Universal Postal Union.
Post offices serve both individuals and legal entities. An individual approach is applied to each client.
The Romanian State Postal Service provides quality services in the following areas:
- delivery of postal parcels and letters (domestic and international forwarding);
- express delivery EMS;
- Courier services;
- issue of postage stamps;
- logistics services;
- financial transactions (currency exchange, postal orders);
- software development (software);
- consulting services;
- subscription to periodicals;
- sale of books.
More specific information can be obtained from the representative website. You can also track the movement of the mail there.
- Romania post tracking Official site:
- Support : +40 021 9393 111
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