NLpost Tracking – Postnl international tracking to know parcel package speedpost ems delivery status.Get latest shipment status from NETHERLANDS POST

The Netherlands Post is one of the oldest postal services in the world, existing for more than five hundred years. The Netherlands Post network spans thirteen countries on three continents and currently employs 46,000 people. The company’s goal is to facilitate the process of international trade as much as possible and provide customers with high-quality logistics and postal services. In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine online shopping in stores in the Netherlands without Netherlands Post mail delivery. Today, the process of transporting orders has become even easier thanks to the ability to track the package of the Netherlands Post. For this, a special resource has been created to make the process of online trading even more accessible.We offer free nlpost tracking service ,where you can track domestic and postnl international shipment.
Post of the Netherlands is a popular European service, among the advantages of which are the short delivery times of goods, its reliability and zero risk of loss of postal items during their transportation. In addition, an important advantage of the Dutch service is the ability to transport products with batteries, which is prohibited in many countries due to difficulties in processing such parcels and a high risk of damage to the packaging due to electrolyte leakage. Today, the PostNL (Netherlands) service successfully delivers goods from the trading floors of China and other Asian countries, guaranteeing the recipients the timely delivery of the parcels and their complete safety.Besides that post nl international tracking facility lets you track parcel every movement online.
Which countries does Netherlands Post work with?
Today, the geography of the service includes only the territory of its own state. For the convenience of recipients of parcels from China, several post offices have been opened in this country. To send the goods, the seller does not need to personally deliver it to the service department – this work is done by hired couriers who collect postal items according to preliminary requests. All parcels are accumulated in a single center for the collection and processing of goods, after which they are delivered to the Netherlands for sorting and dispatch to their destination.
An important advantage of PostNL for the recipients of some Chinese parcels is the compensation of the cost of sending on behalf of the sellers, which saves the recipient from having to pay for postage.
Like many postal services sites, the tracking of parcels by the Netherlands Post leads to export from the country. It is still possible to trace the entire route to the destination through the Dutch resource only for a number of European states, Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong. But, do not despair! Russian, Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian users will be able to track the Post NL parcel through our website. This service is free. Enter the tracking number in a special field and information about the location of the registered letter will appear on the screen in a matter of seconds. Complete a simple registration and receive updates on the status of your order by e-mail. Such PostNL tracking is more convenient, does not require any time or money. You will always be aware of delays or the rapid approach of your package.
If your business is related to international trade, feel free to connect SMS notifications. Tracking your PostNL package will be much easier with them. You don’t even have to revisit our website. The service will notify you of the passage of international customs points, the receipt of an order in the country of destination, and even inform you of the address of the local post office. The Where Package resource makes it possible to track the shipments of many courier and postal services. All updates on the site are non-stop. It’s nice to receive parcels when such a caring conductor is nearby. Happy shopping!
Netherlands Post Parcel Tracking
Why NLPost TRACKING is very popular?
Now a huge number of Dutch brands offer to buy quality products at an attractive price. In order not to worry about the security of the postal item and receive the order as soon as possible, you should pay attention to the delivery from Postnl. The advantage of this service is also that you can track the package with the Netherlands Post online from anywhere in the world. The tracking system was created using the latest technologies and the quality of its work is appreciated by both private clients and partner companies. Tracking parcels of the Netherlands Post occurs using track codes, they are also called identification numbers, which are assigned to each shipment immediately after placing an order. After creating an account on the site, you must enter the desired character set in a special window.
How to track postnl international 3s ?
The NlPost tracking is very fast and accurate, but there are some difficulties. Firstly, the site is only available in English, which can be a problem for some users. Secondly, tracking is only until the parcel has left the country, then you will have to contact local postal operators. However, it is possible to track and trace postnl ( Netherlands Post) without going to other resources – on our website you can do it for free. Even when the cargo leaves the country of origin, the system will automatically find a service that will continue to transport the goods. Tracking will not be interrupted at any stage of the delivery. Unfortunately, now most postal services track packages only on the territory of their countries, so it is more convenient to use the resources
Currently, PostNL tracking in Russian is not provided by the service. Therefore, for the convenience of numerous clients from the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, the most popular statuses were translated. This allows you to track the parcel of the Netherlands Post by the number on our website or on one of the many online postal services. After entering a unique identifier, the page will display information about the current location of the cargo, as well as sorting and transit points along its route.
Terms of cargo delivery by PostNL service
- For addressees located in the territory of the western part of Russia , Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus , the delivery time of goods from China is approximately 20-22 days. The minimum duration of the shipment in transit is 9 days, the maximum is 30 days from the moment the parcel is registered in China after it is received from the seller.
The Netherlands Post guarantees high-quality and fast delivery of postal items. The goods always arrive safe and sound, and the average delivery time to other countries is 2-3 weeks. When ordering, you can specify additional wishes for transportation and even change the terms of the order during the delivery process. The Netherlands Post also pays special attention to the possibility of communication with the buyer – for any questions, you can contact the hotline, write a letter to an email address or social networks, and also leave a review on the company’s website.
Postnl tracking number formats
Depending on the weight of the cargo, it is assigned the appropriate status: up to 2 kg – small packages, over 2 kg – parcels. The selected format determines the type of track number by which you can track the parcel of the Netherlands Post:
- for small packets, the identifier is Rx123456785NL;
- the track number of the parcels for tracking the Netherlands Post is Cx123456785NL;
- EMS shipments are marked with Ex123456785NL format designations.
The first letter indicates the type of shipment, the subsequent numbers are randomly selected, NL – an indication of the country where the cargo is received and processed. To track a PostNL package, you should ask the seller for its identifier, which is issued during the registration of the shipment.
Parcel delivery times :
The average Parcel delivery times between 15 – 45 days.Meanwhile post nl tracking helps to find and track the parcel easily.
Popular nlpost tracking statuses
The accepted designations for the status of mail items are as follows:
- The item is pre-advised – the cargo is registered and is being prepared for shipment;
- The item is at the sorting center PostNL – the parcel is being processed at the sorting center;
- The item has arrived in the country of destination – the shipment has successfully arrived at the destination;
- The item is ready for shipment – the parcel is being loaded;
- The item is being processed by customs – the cargo is undergoing customs clearance;
- The item is received by the shipper in the originating country – the shipment moves to the country of destination.
Other statuses are predominantly intermediate.
Het artikel is verwerkt in het land van bestemming | The item has been processed in the country of destination |
Het object is vooraf geadviseerd | The item is pre-advised |
Het artikel staat bij sorteercentrum postNL | The item is at the PostNL sorting center |
Het artikel is op transport naar het land van bestemming | The item is on transport to the country of destination |
Het artikel is aangekomen in het land van bestemming | The item has arrived in the country of destination |
Het artikel wordt verwerkt door de douane | The item is being processed by customs |
Het artikel wordt verwerkt in het sorteercentrum van PostNL | The item is processed at the PostNL sorting center |
Het artikel is klaar voor verzending | The item is ready for shipment |
Het artikel bevindt zich in het magazijn van de verzender | The Item is at the shippers warehouse |
De levering van het artikel is mislukt | The delivery of the item was unsuccessful |
Het artikel is succesvol geleverd | The item has been delivered successfully |
Het artikel heeft het land van herkomst verlaten | The item has left the originating country |
Het artikel bevindt zich op het overdrachtspunt van vrachtvervoerder naar PostNL | The item is at the handover point from freight carrier to PostNL |
Het artikel wordt gedeponeerd in het entrepot van de luchthaven in het land van oorsprong | The item is lodged to airport warehouse in originating country |
Het artikel is aangekomen op de transitluchthaven | The item has arrived in the transit airport |
Het artikel is onderweg | The item is in transit |
Het artikel is naar verwachting aangekomen in het land van bestemming (eindstatus) | The item is expected to have arrived in the country of destination (end status) |
De zending is aangekomen in het land van bestemming | The consignment has arrived in the country of destination |
Het item is verkrijgbaar bij het afhaalpunt | The item is available at the pickup point |
Zending ontvangen bij het PostNL Acceptatiecentrum | Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre |
Het Item wordt verwerkt bij PostNL (geen verdere tracking beschikbaar) | The Item is processed at PostNL (no further tracking available) |
Item in de wachtstand bij de douane, wachtend op informatie van de ontvanger | Item on hold at customs, waiting for information from recipient |
Het artikel bevindt zich in het plaatselijke sorteercentrum | The item is at the local sorting centre |
Het artikel wordt vervoerd naar het plaatselijke sorteercentrum | The item is on transport to the local sorting centre |
Onbestelbaar artikel, is geretourneerd aan de verzender | Undeliverable item, has been returned to shipper |
Het artikel wordt vrijgegeven door de douane | The item is released by customs |
Het artikel is geretourneerd en aangekomen bij PostNL | The item has been returned and arrived at PostNL |
Het artikel is bij de douane | The item is at customs |
Het artikel kan niet worden geleverd en zal worden geretourneerd | The item cannot be delivered and will be returned |
Het artikel is uit voor levering | The item is out for delivery |
Post NL Reviews :
RU8NL received in 75 days Hello, I received the parcel in 75 days on time, the packaging is of high quality, the whole product was tracked all the way, — March 28, wrote ralesin8 UD3NL not received in 119 days I never received the parcel, the seller refused to return the money for the goods, he only writes that the goods were sent in November. I can’t open a dispute anymore and somehow I can’t appeal the order. I understand that the goods will no longer arrive, and no one will return the money to me. — March 7, wrote _andi_06 UD9NL received in 66 days On the road 66 days. The packaging is not broken. There was no tracking in Kazakhstan at all. Thank you that the package has arrived. — February 27, wrote 307emb RRD*79 received in 28 days Parcel received. The cargo arrived normally, but when shipped by air, 28 days is a very long time, especially since delivery is not cheap. — 24 February, wrote gavrilov.a.a27 EI0NL not received in 71 days Order on bikeinn. The store is Spanish, but, apparently, with a large terminal in Holland. I have already made more than 10 similar orders – all the rules, within 10 days I received orders without problems. What happened to this is anyone’s guess. 71 days the status does not change “On transport to the country of destination”. I wrote to the store, they said that they turned to the carrier, he, it seems, began an investigation. In the meantime, I’m waiting for the result “10-15 working days” … The purchase is not cheap and this is especially upsetting. So it goes. Maybe he has been lying around somewhere in Russia for a long time … — 24 February, wrote a.dibrov55 LS0NL received in 50 days Very beautiful and high quality product, thanks to the seller. The parcel was 50 days, finally waited for her. — February 20th, wrote Hozjajuchka RU8NL not received in 87 days I wonder if it’s possible to somehow get the package to move and still get to me, I’ve been waiting for it for 87 days 🙁 — February 13, wrote solnushkina UD5NL received in 43 days the whole track. Dec 29 2021 11:06 Import to destination Netherlands Post 27 Dec. 2021 18:42 In transit – Arrived at Waypoint Netherlands Post 27 Dec. 2021 16:29 On the way – Departed waypoint Netherlands Post 17 Dec. 2021 03:33 Parcel received by Netherlands Post 17 Dec. 2021 02:33 Information about the parcel received by the Netherlands Post – – everything. Received at the post office of the Russian Federation along with others and was not indicated anywhere, although they signed it like. From the order 51 days. Here on the timer 43. From the border 1 month to the village. RU9NL received in 49 days Thanks to the site for tracking, and to myself for patience and waiting. For some reason, in Europe, it is from Holland that the longest waiting for the delivery of parcels … — January 23, wrote hennk UD9NL received in 64 days Walked for a very long time. I found out about the parcel only at the Russian post office when I came to them. I almost forgot about the parcel, after a couple of months they were issued only by mail, like an ordinary parcel post. The tracking code is completely stupid. He does not track anything, he just writes “information about the package received.” There is also no courier delivery. — January 21, wrote r007 RU8NL received in 62 days The website promised to deliver a month earlier. Tracked consistently well for all delivery services, the goods and packaging were not damaged. The seller did not issue a guarantee. supposedly the pandemic affected … — January 19, written by leopard0201 | RU9NL received in 52 days Russian Post parcels delivered by the Yandex robot are marked as sent back. Deal with logistics. — June 16, wrote single321 RU9NL received in 30 days I used the service to control the delivery of a parcel from the Netherlands. Until March 2022, the delivery time was about 10 days. In April, the delivery time increased to 30 days. The service works well. Authorization is required to receive up-to-date information about parcel movements. — 26 of May, wrote hot-kon UD8NL received in 21 days Fast delivery, the parcel was tracked to the end, everything is whole. Many thanks for the good work. — May 15, written by hasmikmkhitaryan1 LS0NL not received in 116 days Parcel track LS019130943NL – Arrived at waypoint 7 Dec. 2021 07:41 to the post of the Netherlands. From now on, there is no information about the parcel. The package never arrived in Latvia. The dispute is closed and the money is transferred to the seller, despite the official evidence presented. No comment. — April 3, wrote 148ii148 — January 31, wrote komputer83 LT9NL received in 97 days The delivery was very long, the parcel was 97 days. It arrived perfectly packed, safe and sound. I waited for it for a long time and finally received it. Thanks to the seller for his support. — January 29, wrote Hozjajuchka UD8NL received in 68 days The parcel came, everything works. It went to Kazakhstan for a long time, but it’s not the mail’s fault, the problems were different. Several times they sent a notification that the package was delayed due to the current situation. Everything is fine. THANKS! — January 27, written by Marisa CC0NL received in 31 days Disgusting ‘service’. From Holland, the parcel was sent on 12/14/2021 to the Kaliningrad sorting center, the parcel reached 02/1/2022 and EVERYTHING died out. No messages, nothing. The post office 236038 does not have a telephone, the sorting center also does not have a telephone! Didn’t expect od Kaliningrad! 2022 is in the yard, and here it’s like a taiga dead end! Information about the parcel can only be obtained through the ‘hot line’ of the Russian Post! Until January 10, no messages in the application. After the 10th, I received an auto-response in response to calls to the ‘Hotline’ that ‘your package has been delivered, contact your local post office’! A complete mess! As a result, the parcel ‘hobbled’ to the post office on the 18th of January! The parcel did not arrive intact, the lipstick was pulled out. Not to mention the spent nerves, the expiration date of the nested products was reduced by half, because the parcel lay in the sorting center for 18 days! This is an absolute failure in the organization of delivery! Complete rubbish! — January 27, written by Eliza RU9NL received in 26 days The parcel from the Netherlands went to Yekaterinburg. From the Netherlands to St. Petersburg for 7 days, and then the transfer began from one shipment to another, and so for more than ten or more than 10 days, then another couple of shipments in Yekaterinburg, and as a result I received my long-awaited and very unshakable and expensive parcel in a crumpled and broken package, roofing felts they threw it, they crushed it, but in the end I didn’t get what they sent me, for which I paid a lot of money, and even when I received it in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, I stood in line for more than an hour, where they coughed and sneezed me, in short, I barely took my legs, A SHAME!!! — January 23, wrote vromachev RU9NL received in 13 days Specifically, this time I received it very quickly, given the fact that the order was made on December 30, it was sent on December 31, and on January 12 it was already at the post office in Vladivostok! — January 18, wrote mutations UD8NL received in 50 days The parcel was tracked only at the beginning, then disappeared. It looks like the post of the Netherlands handed it over to the post of Russia, and she changed the track number to RB829210254RU without notifying the GdePosylka company. — January 15, written by vladim.sokoloff2015 RU9NL not received in 78 days The supplier canceled the order, including due to tracking information. The money was returned to the customer by the seller. The customer has no claims against the supplier. — January 8, wrote hennk UD8NL received in 39 days The parcel was delivered in 39 days. The packaging is good, the goods are not damaged. The parcel was tracked all the way. Thanks for the quality work! — 5 January, written by levinskayalarisa2019 RU8NL received in 85 days The parcel went for a very long time, it seems to be stuck at customs. I already lost hope, but it’s good that the seller was very patient and extended the protection period for an even longer period. And finally the parcel arrived, a little wrinkled, but inside everything was preserved. I recommend the seller — January 2, wrote info |
Netherlands Post – PostNL :
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international parcel tracking postnl
postnl track and trace international