Affiliate money making method is a most successful passive income source for every bloggers and it should be served very smart way so that users feel it natural.WordPress is the best CMS to boost your affiliate sales as it has powerful plugins which has option for fully customization of your affiliate link.You may loose your extra affiliate income if you do not hide the original affiliate link.
My message : Before going to the next level of this article I must say that this article would not required if everyone had interest to help someone.Yes this is true that a blogger gives you full information and guide about a certain product or service.They just place their affiliate link in their article and being a blogger I really have no negative view with this behavior.People who need guide they visit mostly blogs and when they see that it contains some promotional links they leave immediately and place the order directly from the official website.Here my question is if you don’t support any blogger who are really burning their midnight oil to present solid information to you then how they will be able to continue their free service.I request to all visitors who visit different blogs for daily guide please support them as if you purchase something through their affiliate link then you are not loosing anything from your side but encouraging bloggers for future writing.
How to hide ? As I have already mentioned that wordpress plugins are great to mange the entire wordpress site.You found that you have enough visitors but affiliate income is not up to the satisfaction.Well you need a smart move to hide your affiliate link because some visitors will never support you until you make a smart setup.The wordpress plug in which does this job perfect is called “Go Codes”.It hides your all affiliate links with its advanced option features.Using Go codes plug in you can easily add any desire name for a particular affiliate link.Its recommended to use name like “visit the page”,”visit now” etc as these name looks like natural and has no affiliate link attached.
How To Install : To install this plug in follow the below instructions step by step :
1. Go to your wordpress dashboard and click on “add new” plugin option.
2. Type “Go Codes” and install the plugin from the search results.
3. Go to “Setting” and choose “Go Codes” option where you have option to set a URL trigger.A URL trigger would be your initial word of your hidden affiliate link.For an example if I set “Visit” URL trigger then my affiliate fixed triiger would be :
4. Now Go to “Tool” and choose “Go Codes” to set Redirection Key and target URL.
5. You can tick the count option if you want to record your traffic hits and click on add redirect button.
Your raw affiliate link is now hidden and nobody can know the exact original affiliate link,so you have set up the entire process smoothly and ready to generate more profits from your affiliate links.
If you like the post then please share with your friends so that they can also make some profit with this great plugin.