Blog Benefits And Why You Should Start Blogging Career

why you should start blogging career

Google offering free blogging service to everyone. Ask me why? Google knows blogging is a way to get fresh and informative articles from the creative person. You know something which may be very special to someone .It is believed that every human being has their unique talent.

Through blogging you may discover your hidden talent .Not only Google offers free blogging but there are so many to help you. Now you may think “why you should waste your precious time for blogging”? Yes, my friend blogging takes time but when you would know top reasons of blogging you may change your decision. I hope you will be next blogger. I am mentioning some reasons why you should do it:

Blogging Is Easy:

The biggest advantage of blogging is, it is very easy to start. You don’t need to have advanced technical knowledge to start your blogging career. Everything is pre set up if you choose free blogging platforms. Put a name of your blog and start writing immediately.

Don’t Feel Alone:

When you have a blog and you regular update your blog, it really accompany you .People who surf internet and turn off their PC they never have any identity [Read:Ways To Make Online Identity ] in web. But having a popular blog means you are always being noticed by someone.


Respect never offered by someone. It should be earned by your own effort. Start writing quality article and get respect from millions of readers. It is always bring respect when someone says “thank you for your valuable post” .You can earn self respect through blogging.

Improve Writing Skill:

Blogging is great way to improve your writing skill, Nobody borns with all quality, if you write everyday it will increase your skill and you would be expert in this field. Nothing change by overnight, you improve slowly and daily.

Google Loves Blogging:

Unlike other website content Google loves much blogging. Google wants original job and blogging is one of them. It index your article post fast.

Make Money From Your Blog:

Hope you have heard about the Google Adsense program. Google Adsense allows you to make money from your blog by displaying their ads. You can apply for Google Adsense if you have sufficient content and good traffic. Using Google Adsense you can earn a lot from Google.

Grow Business:

Blogging gives you the opportunity to grow your business .Make a business blog and increase sales. You can describe about your service or product features through blogging.


70% real bloggers they make their own blog just because they love writing and blogging. You get complete satisfaction when you share your original content with others.

Above are the most common benefits to start your blogging career. However you may have other reasons to make a blog.

Intaj Mondal
Intaj Mondal,He is a passionate blogger from India.He loves to write on several topics related Blog,Internet,Money making methods and more others.You can find me on