Belpost Tracking – Belarus Post tracking to know parcel package speed post ems delivery status.Get latest shipment status from BELARUS POST. Belpochta (Post of Belarus) – tracking mail, parcels
The Republican Unitary Postal Enterprise provides high-quality shipment services to different parts of the world. RUE “Belpochta” is the national postal operator in the Republic of Belarus.

The main goal of the organization is to ensure high quality and competitiveness of the services provided. Employees of the company try to meet the needs of individuals and legal entities as much as possible. Belpochta remains the undisputed leader in the domestic market. The organization is engaged in the implementation of social functions.
The history of Belpochta includes many periods, since the state itself gained full independence with the collapse of the Soviet Union. That is why, considering the history of the formation of a postal operator, one should consider the history of those countries that included the territories of modern Belarus, namely: the Commonwealth, the Russian Empire, Poland and the USSR.
The first mention of postal items on Belarusian soil dates back to the ninth century – in the story of bygone years (885 Oleg’s Message to the Radimichi). At this stage, the princely messengers served as postmen, who memorized the text and read it by heart.
July 20, 1558 in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was issued a “Decree on occasions” defining the work of the post office. In the same year, an official institution was organized – the Royal Mail. Two main directions of postal work were created: Krakow-Vienna-Venice and Krakow-Warsaw-Vilnius. Correspondence was sent every week on Wednesdays.
The first tariff system was introduced in 1583, which established the charging of a shipment depending on the type and weight.
The first official postal links between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia appeared from the 1670s to the 1680s, along the route Vilno-Smolensk-Moscow, later the route Moscow-Minchovichi-Kadino-Vilna was confirmed.
As a result of the first section of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the formation of the postal system on Belarusian soil took place. The report of Count Chernyshev dated 1772 “On the postal institution in the Mogilev and Pskov provinces” can be considered the beginning.
At the end of the century, the postal service became part of the postal system of the Russian Empire. As a result, new postal districts were established: Minsk, Vitebsk, Mogilev.
In 1859, the first telegraph stations were created at the Minsk Post Office in Bobruisk. After 22 years, railway transportation was organized, wagons for receiving correspondence were provided in the trains. They cruised along the routes: from Moscow to Minsk (Rivne, Brest, Lyubava).
Further, at the beginning of World War I, there were 380 post offices on Belarusian soil, while at the beginning of World War II there were already more than 2,400 of them. During the war, almost the entire infrastructure was destroyed, and it was restored only by the beginning of 1948.
The Soviet period is very similar to the current one in terms of the structure and work of post offices. The independent post of Belarus appeared with its collapse. Currently, Belpochta is a member of the Universal Postal Union and meets all international service quality standards.
Belpost Tracking postal items “BelPochta”
The national operator Belpost provides a wide range of services within the country and is included in the EMS system of international shipments. There are several ways to track shipments:
- on the official website of the operator;
- using our special tracking service.
Belpochta regularly expands the range of services provided and offers customers to monitor the movement of parcels almost in real time.
To obtain the information of interest, the user needs:
- enter a special track number;
- confirm the search with the appropriate command.
Data is provided within a minute. The user can track each shipment registered in Belarus.
We will not consider the first option for Belpost Tracking, since it takes a lot of time and is not popular. On the official website of Belpochta, you can track the parcel, which was assigned a Belarusian track number. If you are waiting for a parcel from a foreign online store, most likely it will be tracked only after it arrives in Belarus.
The most convenient and fastest way to track the parcel of Belpochta or any other postal service is to use the best service for tracking parcels tracking service . Our site allows you to find postal items anywhere in the world, regardless of which company transports your cargo: it can be Russian Post , China Post , Finland Post, CDEK , etc. All you need is to know the track number of your parcel.
What countries does BelPost work with?
The organization “Belpochta” provides international postal services to different parts of the world:
- Hungary;
- Great Britain;
- Germany;
- Serbia
- Turkey;
- Finland;
- Lithuania and Latvia;
- USA;
- Estonia;
- France;
- Sweden;
- Netherlands;
- Kyrgyzstan.
With the help of Belpochta, you can send letters and parcels using the accelerated EMS service.
Belpochta services
The organization provides a full range of services related to sending correspondence, parcels and letters. Employees of “Belpochta” are engaged in the storage, processing, reception and delivery of items.
The company also provides postal services at home, subscribes to printed publications and pays benefits and pensions. The organization offers temporary storage.
Among the services provided:
- accelerated receipt of shipments;
- redirection to the point of issue;
- customs control;
- OAIS, etc.
Postal employees offer customers to take advantage of unique offers for legal entities and individuals: insurance, mailbox rental, premises rental, express courier, etc.
EMS Belpost
EMS is an internal expedited mail that provides delivery and forwarding of goods and documents. In order to provide quality services, a transport and logistics system was introduced, which covers more than three thousand postal facilities.
The EMS Belpost service has a number of advantages:
- offers customers reasonable rates for shipping;
- provides for the possibility of declaring the value of a product or document;
- provides cash on delivery;
- includes preliminary informing the addressee;
- guarantees the delivery of the parcel.
The client has the option to forward the item to a PO box.
Departures “1st class”
Domestic simple letter-post items with traceability are offered by the “1st class” service. Shipment takes place in special envelopes with a red border.
Using this service, you can send postcards, photographs, business papers, informational materials. Commodity investments in this case are not provided. This service gives the shipment priority at every stage of the shipment.
International shipments
The post office delivers parcels to different countries subject to several important conditions:
- the minimum size of the shipment is 15x24x2 cm;
- maximum dimensions – 1.05 m for one of the measurements.
Shipping weight limits depend on the country to which the package will be sent. Distinguish parcels with declared value and without it. The sender can choose to receive notification of receipt.
For parcels with declared value, cash on delivery is provided, but only to those countries with which a bilateral agreement has been concluded.
Belpochta tracking number formats
The standard mailing number contains 13 characters. There are 9 numbers and 4 letters – two at the beginning and end of the code.
Simple international untracked shipments go through the first letter A, B, D, G, N, P, Z or U. Such parcels cannot be tracked by the track number. Delivery takes place via PO boxes.
Registered international parcels provide for a receipt and receipt of a shipment against receipt. This service provides for several combinations of the first letters:
- parcels – CA – CZ;
- service EMS – EA — EZ;
- e-commerce shipments – HA-HZ;
- registered parcel RA – RZ;
- value declaration – VA – VZ.
Simple international tracked parcels pass with a combination of letters SA-SZ or LA-LZ. Such a shipment includes a delivery confirmation service.
Statuses of tracking parcels “Belpochta”
When tracking a shipment, the user encounters the following statuses:
- Received from the sender;
- Passage of customs control;
- Sent to the destination from the country;
- Accepted for processing at the International Post Office;
- Preparation for customs control;
- Refinement of data;
- Saving the received information;
- Sent to destination;
- Sent;
- In processing;
- Arrived at the delivery department;
- returned;
- Received;
- Received.
The last status “Handed” indicates that the shipment was delivered and issued to the addressee. Upon receipt of the “Returned” status, the package is sent back to the sender.
Services of the “Comfort” line
In this case, we are talking about several lines of services:
- “Comfort for the sender” – when the recipient receives the package, the sender will be sent an SMS message;
- “Comfort for the recipient” – the recipient can choose the date and time of delivery of the parcel;
- “Comfort for all” – combines the two services described above;
- “Comfort with paid delivery in the evening” – the parcel will be delivered between 19:00 and 21:00, and the sender will receive a confirmation SMS.
You can receive the parcel both at the Belpochta branch and through door-to-door delivery.
Upon receipt of the shipment, the recipient pays a certain amount, which is sent to the sender by electronic money transfer.
You can send long-term storage food, goods from online stores (not included in the prohibited list), printed materials, and medicines by Belpochta parcel.
For sending, the parcel must be handed over to the operating cash desk in any post office of the Republic of Belarus. At the time of registration of the parcel, the cargo is assigned a track number that allows you to track Belpochta postal items. It is indicated on the invoice.
The maximum size of a parcel sent within the Republic of Belarus
Minimum parcel size: 150x240x20 mm. You can send a Belpochta parcel if it does not exceed 1.05 m for one of the measurements.
The maximum weight of a parcel may vary depending on the requirements of the recipient country. On the territory of Belarus, standard parcels up to 30 kg are allowed.
Requirements for the packaging of postal items of Belpochta
The packaging is chosen by the sender, but it must necessarily correspond to the nature of the contents and the conditions of delivery. You can clarify which package will be most relevant directly at the post office. You can also find the recommended standards on the Belpochta website.
To send letters, only postal envelopes with the required number of postage stamps are used.
There is a common standard.
- First, the sender’s data is indicated: full name, address and index. The address is written in the following sequence: street, house, apartment, region, city, country.
- The recipient’s details are filled in the same way.
- The recipient’s index is indicated in the lower left part of the envelope.
For shipments between regional centers: the day of dispatch + 2 business days. If departure between other settlements is necessary, one more day is added.
According to the official website, the deadlines are met for 95% of shipments. However, keep in mind that for various reasons, delivery times may vary.
For domestic expedited mail within the country, the parcel storage period is 10 days (for international – 14). Registered letters are stored for a week, ordinary parcels – 30 days.
If you did not receive the shipment or the parcel was opened / damaged, you can demand a refund within six months (only if you have a receipt and there is relevant evidence of the incompetent work of the postal service). Screenshots from the parcel tracking site can help you achieve justice.
You can apply at any branch of Belpochta.
The main work schedule of Belpochta branches is as follows:
- on weekdays from 9:00-20:00;
- on Saturdays from 9:00-18:00;
- Sundays are a day off.
However, keep in mind that the data is averaged, so for more information, go to the official website of the postal operator.
Belpochta package tracking statuses
Status | Meaning |
Отправка | Dispatch |
Получение отправления в обменном пункте | Receiving a shipment at an office of exchange |
Получение отправления от отправителя | Receiving a shipment from the sender |
Отправка груза в местный офис | Sending a shipment to a local office |
Доставленный | Delivered |
Получение отправления в офисе доставки | Receiving a shipment at a delivery office |
Завершение таможенного контроля | Completion of customs control |
Исходящее обновление | Outbound Update |
Полученный | Received |
Данные исправлены, отгрузка принята к обработке | Data corrected, shipment accepted for processing |
Полученная почта | Mail received |
Получено отделом обработки почты | Received by mail processing department |
Проезд через таможенную зону (см. | Passing through the customs zone (see |
Переведено из | Transferred from |
Отгрузка, подготовленная к отправке/попытке доставки | Shipment prepared for delivery/delivery attempt |
Для передачи на таможню нужно уточнить данные !!! () | To transfer to customs, you need to clarify the data !!! () |
Сохраненные введенные данные | Entered data saved |
What is Belpost tracking code?
A track code is an identification number that is assigned to each tracked shipment.
When registering the parcel, the sender is informed of the track code, which can be used to track Belpochta parcels.
The track number consists of 13 characters: 4 letters and 9 numbers (RI031299616UA), it is unique and allows you to track the package at any time using specialized services.
If we are talking about an order from an online store, the track number can be seen on the order page in the “Personal Account”.
It is very important not to confuse the order number and the identification number, if you have any difficulties, you can always check the information directly with the seller.
Tracking Belpochta parcels is necessary so that if your order is lost, you can count on monetary compensation.
Belpochta provides services for both individuals and legal entities.
Among them are domestic and international mail, financial services, express delivery, telephone and telecommunication services, business mail and mail tracking.
EMS Belpost
Express Mail Service (EMS) is a fast delivery of items both on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and to other countries.
This type of shipment is relevant for more than 200 countries and territories in different parts of the world.
Thanks to developed logistics, Belpochta provides fast door-to-door delivery, and shipments are divided into domestic and international (respectively, tariffs differ).
You can understand that the letter was sent in this way by the blue “EMS” designation on the box and the features of the track number (it starts with PE, EA or EW).
In this way, you can send documents and standard parcels, a cargo insurance service is available.
Departures “1st class”
The first class of Belpochta allows sending written correspondence (papers, postcards, photographs, letters, etc.), but without the so-called commodity attachment (packages familiar to us with personal belongings, goods from online stores).
Such shipments at intermediate points are processed first and delivered much faster.
A distinctive feature of the “1st class” item is an envelope with a red border and the corresponding written designation.
For accelerated sorting, such items are sent in special envelopes with a red border and the inscription “1st class”.
Service Tariff
To find out the rates, you can go to the appropriate section on the official website of Belpochta.
The information is available in the form of a table, but it is much more convenient and faster to calculate the cost of a shipment using a special
rater .
We remind you that the Belarus Post tracking service is provided free of charge.
International shipments
International shipments include parcels, letters and money orders to other countries.
They can be either registered or unregistered (which cannot be tracked).
There are also simple tracked shipments, which are assigned an international track number.
Belpost quick service
This is an opportunity to quickly transfer documents, personal belongings or goods.
The service is provided only to individuals, and an application can be made both at any branch of Belpochta and by phone 222-72-18, 222-71-52.
We will provide the main contacts of the branches and heads of the postal operator. You can see the data of regional offices on the official website of Belpochta.
- Post office. center for the provision of services to the population: Nezalezhnosti Ave., 10, 220050, Minsk.
- Head of the service center: +375-17-327 77 24
- Deputy head of the center: +375-17-226 06 56
- Manager:
- round hall: +375-17-327 77 71
- telegraph department: +375-17-327 44 07
- parcel department: +375-17-327 25 33
- Phone of the department responsible for express shipment: +375-17-327 85 12.