Belgium Post Tracking – bpost belgium post international tracking to know parcel, package, speedpost ems, delivery status.Get latest shipment status from Belgium POST

Post of Belgium, also known as Bpost International, is a global courier and postal company that offers reliable tracked delivery services in Belgium and worldwide. The Belgian Post is one of the largest civilian employers in the country. It provides a range of postal, courier, marketing, banking, insurance and electronic services in the highly competitive European market.At the moment, the state and private individuals own exactly half of the service on each side, but the controlling stake belongs to state institutions. You can now track a package sent with bpost using a new algorithm.
Which countries does the Belgian Post service work with?
Bpost International offers its customers to send parcels worldwide by offering:
- flexible working hours and convenient online services;
- track the parcel by Belgian Post number or barcode using Track & Trace.Belgium Post Tracking is now very easy and convenient.You just need the tracking number to get the details of your parcel.
All shipments will be divided into two broad categories:
- Sending parcels within the EU without customs clearance: France, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal. It must be remembered here that some areas within the EU are not included in the tax area of the European Union.
- Sending goods to Russia, Switzerland, China, USA, UK. In this case, it is necessary to provide the necessary customs documents.
Sellers from such popular online marketplaces as Aliexpress , Gearbest , Banggood choose Post of Belgium to make the delivery of their goods as fast as possible. They send orders to the sorting centers of the Belgian Post, from where the parcels are already sent to recipients around the world. This is convenient for all parties, as Bpost International provides the appropriate tools, know-how, and advice and guidance to provide an excellent customer experience.
Tracking other country Postal shipments :
- Sudapost Tracking – Sudan Post Parcel Tracking
- Swiss Post Tracking – Die Post Track (Poste Suisse)
- Japan Post Tracking – Instant JP Post Tracking
- NLpost Tracking – Postnl international Tracking
- Lithuanian Post Tracking – Lietuvos Pastas Tracking
Belgium Post Tracking number formats
The recipient or sender can easily track the Belgian Post parcel by ID or code on the Bpost International website. To do this, go to the “Track & Trace” section, select the “International Bardcore” item. To track Bpost shipments, you need a track number. Most often, Bpost package tracking numbers start with:
- from the letter R for registered parcels weighing less than 2 kg;
- with the letter C for registered parcels weighing up to 20 kg;
- letters E if these are EMS packages.
At the end of the number, immediately after the numeric code, there will be letters B and E. Example code options: CE210887475BE, EA136299403BE.
To search for a shipment, you can use the barcode or link sent by Bpost or the sender himself. The recipient will find it in a text message via email, through a deposit confirmation or receipt from the local post office. To correctly check the package using the Belgian Post code, be sure to include the full barcode.
The user can enter their link in the Bpost mobile app. The client will be informed free of charge about the route of the parcel via push messages on the smartphone. To do this, you need to download an application for iPhone or Android (Samsung, Nexus, Oneplus, etc.).
To track parcels sent by Belgian mail, you will need a tracking code. There are three main types of codes used in Belgium:
- Numeric code, first letter R.
All shipments weighing up to two kilograms registered in the country pass under such a track. Most orders from online stores have a similar track code. It is tracked on any service offering parcel search services, since it is automatically an international code format.
- Numeric code, first letter C.
Parcels weighing up to twenty kilograms are classified as oversized cargo. Therefore, such shipments can not always be tracked. To clarify where your parcel is, you will need a special service that will support this format of track codes.
- Numeric code, first letter E.
An abbreviated code, in which there are half as many numbers as in a regular track, is used in the case of EMS delivery. Fast delivery is a fairly popular service, which is used by at least a third of Belgians. However, it is not very popular on international shipments – the cost of delivery in the case of sending cargo from bpost to another country grows exponentially.
Bpost Package Tracking Different statuses
Regardless of the method of monitoring the cargo, the Belgian post uses not generally accepted, but its own phrases, through which it informs customers about the movement of their package. Here are some examples of the most popular Bpost International tracking statuses.
- your international parcel is ready to be handled by bpost – the international parcel is ready to be handled by bpost;
- confirmation of preparation of the shipment received – confirmation that the parcel is ready for shipment;
- sustoms cleared: authorized — rastamožka passed successfully;
- departure from office of exchange — the cargo has left the exchange office;
- item delivered — cargo delivery.
If the package status does not change in Track & Trace, most often there may be various reasons for this:
- cargo is delayed;
- the post office or courier service in the recipient country does not provide tracking information for the parcel.
Tracking Bpost International parcels outside of Belgium is possible if the Belgian side receives information from foreign colleagues.
In the early 1910s, customs and the official Belgian postal service began a conflict related to the process of passing international shipments through customs posts. The essence of the conflict was then covered in detail by the state newspaper of Belgium (the country’s oldest official media). The number of parcels ordered from the country increased greatly at that moment. On the wave of “getting rid” of the global crisis, residents of neighboring countries ordered large goods in Belgian online stores. The issue was resolved in a few months, however, there may still be problems with parcels from bpost at some customs.
Belgium Post Parcel Tracking Statuses
Status | Translation |
Vertrek uit het wisselkantoor | Departure from office of exchange |
Artikel geleverd | Item delivered |
Aankomst bij het internationale wisselkantoor | Arrival at international office of exchange |
Objectgegevens die handmatig bij de balie zijn geregistreerd | Item information registered manually at the counter |
Aankomst bij faciliteiten | Arrival at facilities |
Gedeponeerd object | Item deposited |
Uw object is gesorteerd | Your item has been sorted |
Artikel vrijgegeven van de douane | Item released from customs |
Douane ingeklaard : toegestaan | Customs cleared : authorized |
Artikel dat ter controle bij de douane wordt aangeboden | Item presented to customs for control |
Artikel in levering | Item in delivery |
Artikel in distributiefase | Item in distribution phase |
Bevestiging van voorbereiding van de ontvangen zending | Confirmation of preparation of the shipment received |
Object niet geleverd: leveringspoging gedaan – andere reden | Item not delivered : delivery attempt done – other reason |
Bij de douane aangebracht artikel | Item presented at customs |
Artikel niet geleverd : geadresseerde werd gecontacteerd | Item not delivered : addressee was contacted |
Item beschikbaar bij het ophaalpunt | Item available at pickup point |
Bewaard bij de douane : reden onbekend | Retained at customs : reason unknown |
Onregelmatigheid item : probleem adres | Irregularity item : problem address |
Terug naar afzender: levering onmogelijk – item niet opgehaald door geadresseerde | Back to sender: delivery impossible – item not collected by addressee |
Bewaard bij de douane : factuur ontbreekt | Retained at customs : invoice is missing |
In afwachting van antwoord van de geadresseerde : levering onmogelijk – artikel beschadigd | Awaiting response from addressee : delivery impossible – item damaged |
Gepresenteerd item – geadresseerde afwezig – bericht achtergelaten | Item presented – addressee absent – message left |
Uw internationale pakket is klaar om door bpost te worden behandeld | Your international parcel is ready to be handled by bpost |
Terug naar afzender : afleveradres onvolledig/onjuist | Back to sender : delivery address incomplete/incorrect |
Artikel is doorgestuurd naar het geplande distributiekantoor | Item was redirected to foreseen distribution office |
Belgium Post Reviews :
224*****56 not received in 67 days
Terrible delivery service!!! Belgian Post and its postal service orders are not tracked and disappear at Belgian customs, never reaching Russia. I don’t understand what is the point of suppliers using this delivery service ??? After all, the order is still not delivered.
— March 27, wrote garele
EC1********BE not received in 103 days
Disgusting work! 3 months since the parcel got to Belgium and no further information. The parcel is not tracked, it is not known where it is now.
— March 13, wrote 813026
CA0********RU received in 35 days
Thank you. Sent a parcel to Belgium. Everything was clearly tracked. And this helped to contact the addressee when they tried to take a tax from him for a gift as for a product.
— February 20th, written by IvanT
CE4********BE received within 30 days
the site is very convenient and informative, it helps to track the passage of the parcel from the place of departure to the address of the recipient
— 1st of February, wrote rami222
LD3********BE received in 39 days
The parcel arrived on time. Tracked well. The packaging is not broken. The quality corresponds to the declared. Satisfied with the parcel. I recommend the seller.
— January 24, wrote Roma75
224*****97 received in 123 days
The parcel arrived on time. Tracked well. The packaging is not broken. The quality corresponds to the declared. Satisfied with the parcel. I recommend the seller.
— January 24, wrote Roma75
224*****25 received in 22 days
The parcel arrived on time. Tracked well. The packaging is not broken. The quality corresponds to the declared. I am satisfied with the purchase. I recommend the seller.
— January 7, wrote Roma75
- Support phone number in Belgium: +32 22 012345
- Official site: