Singapore Post Tracking – Online SGpost Tracking

Singapore Post Tracking - Online SGpost Tracking

Singapore Post Tracking – SGpost post tracking to know parcel, package, speedpost ems, delivery status.Get latest shipment status from SINGAPORE POST

Singapore Post Tracking - Online SGpost Tracking

Singapore Post is a Singapore postal operator. The service provides services for the collection, sorting, delivery of international and domestic correspondence. Sellers choose it to send those goods that China Post refuses to accept for processing, since the service has quite loyal terms of cooperation. The company has no cons, the risks of losing parcels are minimal (there are few complaints).

Singapore Post tracking is available online for all types of shipments. The recipient will always be able to find out where his cargo is, understand when to expect delivery. Singapore Post tracking through our website is free. 

Singapore Post Cargo Tracking

The state postal operator of the city of Singapore provides customers with a standard list of services for its segment. The requirements for shipments are not strict, so the delivery service is often used as an alternative when it is not possible to use the services of other operators.

In China, Singapore Post operates through a partner network. The main partner is 4PX Express. The service of tracking postal items from Singapore will be of interest to all users who have ordered parcels from this service. To check the status of the shipment, its location at a given time, it is enough to know the track. A unique number will be provided to you by the seller after shipment.


Singapore Post is actively cooperating with online trading platforms such as AliExpress .and eBay. Most of the goods sent by the company are orders from online stores. Tracking by ID numbers offered by Singapore Post helps customers of trading platforms to be confident in the safe delivery of goods. When tracking singapore post, you should pay attention to the fact that all site content is in English, so you should either use automatic translation through the browser or track the package from Singapore through third-party sites that have access to Singapore Post tracking. 

You can track the parcel of Singapore mail absolutely free of charge – for this you need to know the track number of your order and have access to the Internet. The identification number, which is also called the track code, can be seen on the receipt, check or on the store’s website in the “My Orders” section. Registration on the website, in addition to the ability to track the parcel, singapore post also allows you to save tracking data, tracking history and set up automatic alerts by email or sms. The ability to track a parcel anywhere in the world using singapore post is an important advantage of this service.

More tracking Service :

SGpost tracking Always Up to date

Singapore Post takes parcel tracking to a new level – now you can check the location of your order at any time using your mobile phone, computer or tablet. In addition, Singapore Post allows you to pre-set a convenient day and time for delivery, discuss the features of transportation, and even change the conditions after placing an order. Singapore Post website – track tracking with the latest systems that give the most accurate results. Singapore Post can track the parcel in a matter of seconds, and operators will be happy to answer all questions by phone or on the website. The company uses the latest electronic marketing tools, simplifies the online shopping process and reduces the waiting time for delivery of goods. For singapore post, tracking is an important part of doing international business.

What countries does Singapore Post work with?

For Singapore Post, online tracking of shipments is available to all countries of the world. The delivery service positions itself as domestic and international, there are no restrictions on delivery countries, only the timing will be different.

It is not always worth focusing on the standard delivery time of items, which is indicated in the regulations, since the current loads are not taken into account in the calculation. The surest way is to track the status of the parcel online. Cargoes arrive at the specified time, earlier or later – any options are possible. Parcel Delivery takes usually takes 2-3 weeks.

Singapore Post tracking Number Formats

To track packages from Singapore, international format numbers are used. Enter the code that the seller will provide you in the quick search bar, click the “Search” button. If there is no information in the system, check the correctness of the specified data or wait a couple of days. Sometimes updates occur with a slight delay, please retry the request after a short period of time.

Package statuses 

Tracking cargo sent from Singapore to your country is possible with full details of the route. The site displays the following statuses:

  • sending abroad;
  • arrival at the destination, processing center;
  • unsuccessful delivery;
  • shipping notice;
  • pick up at the air transport center;
  • airline transfer;
  • issuance at the post office;
  • further processing;
  • etc.

The information is updated constantly, so you see the latest information. “Singapore Post” tracking of postal items allows for almost no delay. In some cases, updating the information in the database may take a couple of days. If you have any questions, please contact the on-duty specialist for assistance. The manager will help you check the information and find answers to your questions.

Singapore Post Parcel Tracking Statuses

Отправлено за границуDespatched to overseas
Удерживается таможнейHeld by Custom
Прибытие на пост назначенияArrival at Destination Post
Прибытие в процессинговый центрArrival at Processing Center
Полученная информация (это не является подтверждением физического получения указанной зарегистрированной статьи)Information Received (This is not an acknowledgment of the physical receipt of the stated Registered Article)
Попытка/неудачная доставкаAttempted/Failed Delivery
Продукт доставленProduct Delivered
Уведомление о подтверждении отгрузкиNotification of shipment confirmation
Получено на перерабатывающем предприятииReceived at Processing Facility
Выпущено из пользовательского интерфейсаReleased from Custom
Получено от ЗаказчикаReceived from Customer
Получено в центре воздушного транзитаReceived at Air Transit Centre
Получено на объекте обработки назначенияReceived at Destination Processing Facility
Выезд из зарубежного центра обработкиDepart from Overseas Processing Facility
Передан авиакомпанииHanded over to Airline
Неудачная доставкаUnsuccessful delivery
Удерживается таможней в пункте назначенияHeld by Customs at Destination
Получение товара в сортировочном центреReceive item at sorting centre
Вернулся из-за границыReturned from overseas
Получить товар в офисе доставкиReceive item at delivery office
Товар отправлен в Центр воздушного транзитаItem dispatched to Air Transit Centre
Получено на почтеReceived at Post Office
Получено в Центре обработки в аэропортуReceived at Airport Processing Facility
Обратитесь к Lodge PartyRefer to Lodge Party
Подготовка к отправке [Полученная информация]Preparing to Dispatch [Information Received]
Получение товара в пункте выдачи для полученияReceive item at collection point for pick-up
Незавершенная поставка (DBCHI)Delivery in progress (DBCHI)
Прибыл из-за рубежаArrived from overseas
Отправить товар для физической доставкиSend item out for physical delivery
Товар возвращается в процессеItem returning in progress
Обработка исключений. Отправитель/постоялец, чтобы связаться со службой поддержки клиентов по телефону 1605Exception Handling. Sender/lodger to contact Customer Service at 1605
Отправить товар из сортировочного центраSend item out of sorting centre
Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с ПостояльцемPlease contact Lodger
Дальнейшая обработка в процессе (GEYLANG DELIVERY BASE)Further processing in progress (GEYLANG DELIVERY BASE)
Принятие к обработкеAcceptance for Processing
Дальнейшая обработка на базе доставкиFurther processing at Delivery Base
Дальнейшая обработка продолжается (ПОЧТОВОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ АЛЕКСАНДРА)Further processing in progress (ALEXANDRA POST OFFICE)
Удержание товара в пункте доставкиHold item at point of delivery
Хранение предмета в обменном офисеHold item at office of exchange
Пункт, размещенный вне курса. Незавершенная обработкаItem Posted-Out-Of-Course. Processing in progress
Курьерская доставка в процессеCourier delivery in progress
Возвращено ПостояльцуReturned to Lodger
Дальнейшая обработка продолжается (ПОЧТОВОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ БИШАН)Further processing in progress (BISHAN POST OFFICE)
Полученная отгрузка для обработкиReceived shipment for Processing
Дальнейшая обработка продолжается (ПОЧТОВОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ BRAS BASAH)Further processing in progress (BRAS BASAH POST OFFICE)
Вылетели из перерабатывающего комплексаDeparted from Processing Facility

About SGpost :

Singapore’s state postal operator has been operating effectively for 150 years, and now, in the age of active development of Internet technologies, it offers a wide variety of services. Today, many sellers prefer to cooperate with Singapore Post by transporting goods from Chinese online stores to other countries, since shipment through China Post is prohibited for some groups of goods, and Singapore Post effectively solves customs problems and delivers much faster than China Post. 

Tracking a parcel from Singapore is also not a problem – the company has implemented a tracking service in its work, so now you can be sure that your order will arrive on time and will not be lost along the way. Singapore Post has many business partners in the national and international postal industry, the number of post offices is increasing every year and the list of services offered is expanding. Singapore Post is a rare case when one of the oldest postal services is also on the list of the most innovative and offers an effective singapore post package tracking system.

Singapore Post Reviews :

UF1********SG received in 127 days
The glass for the phone came in perfect condition in a secure package. True, I was no longer waiting for the parcel, because after 25 days the tracking was stopped. The parcel went 4 months.

— March, 25, written by lyapustina_helena

EX0********SG not received in 81 days
The parcel was not received, the track was not tracked, the seller disappeared, the money was not returned, they were ordered through ozone. do not get involved, buy everything in the Russian Federation!

— March 19, written by uectdf2011

RB1********SG not received in 61 days
Singapore delivery is terrible, two parcels one after the other go in the wrong direction. Same product from the same store!!

— March 17, wrote earthmadman

EX2********SG received in 59 days
The parcel went 60, most of which got stuck somewhere in Singapore. Delivery via EMS, which always requires an additional 37 shekels or more, depending on the value of the goods. Those. even if the price is less than $75, you still have to pay for customs clearance. On the plus side, home delivery, no need to go anywhere.

— March 13, wrote Blackbeard

UF1********SG not received in 72 days
Good afternoon. I ordered a gift for my son who never came. A total disappointment. I advise everyone to buy on the territory of the Russian Federation. So you protect yourself and do not spoil the mood of others.

— March, 3rd, wrote kalipso68

RC8**********SG received in 7 days
The parcel from Singapore arrived surprisingly quickly, which I was pleasantly surprised by! Packaging and contents are in excellent condition. Thank you!

— February 8, wrote tihomirovaekaterina

RP4********SG received in 20 days
Delivered quite quickly too. The corners of the box are dented on one side, but the order itself is slightly smaller in size, and the dents fell on the empty space. Everything is fine! Thank you!

— January 15, wrote kostenlpfan

Intaj Mondal
Intaj Mondal,He is a passionate blogger from India.He loves to write on several topics related Blog,Internet,Money making methods and more others.You can find me on