Hrvatska Pošta Tracking – Croatia Post tracking to know parcel, package, Speedpost ems, delivery status. Get latest shipment status from CROATIA POST
Track Croatia Post Parcel

Today, Hrvatska pošta is the leading provider of logistics services in the country’s market, which is an innovative digital company that connects customers, companies and countries. Croatian Post is among the leaders in digital transformation in the country, and numerous new solutions for business and logistics processes have created optimal and modern services that greatly support the growth of e-commerce. Among the services of the Croatian Post are such well-known brands as Yellow Click and ePost.
In order to meet the needs of customers and meet all the requirements of the rapidly growing parcel market, the Croatian Post has offered a fast parcel delivery – Paket24. This service is the only fast delivery service that offers numerous courier solutions tailored to the needs of users throughout the coverage area, suitable for both businesses and private customers.
Hrvatska pošta is constantly working on development and investing in services, capabilities and logistics solutions, so sending and receiving parcels is available to customers through 300 parcel machines installed throughout the country. Thanks to the development of logistics capacities and core business, regional expansion and strategic partnerships, Hrvatska pošta has established itself as a modern company ready to conquer new international markets.
Track Turkey Post
What countries does it work with ?
The situation in international postal traffic is often changing, due to difficulties with air transport at the global level, there may be delays or suspensions of movement to some countries. In accordance with the current possibilities of forwarding and delivering items, here is an indicative list of countries with which Croatian Post cooperates:
- Albania, Algeria , Andorra, Argentina, Aruba, Brazil;
- Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bulgaria;
- Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Denmark, Vatican, France, Finland;
- Egypt, Philippines ;
- Hong Kong, India, Japan, China;
- Poland , China, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and many others.
How to track a package using the track number of the Croatian Post
Parcel tracking on the website is carried out only for registered shipments. A postal item without a receipt number is not traceable and cannot be claimed according to the relevant international rules, so it is not possible to obtain information about the current status.
When a postal item arrives at the international exchange point in Zagreb, it is scanned, its status is updated, and only after that it becomes visible in the tracking system. Please note that each postal administration chooses its own carrier and thus determines the time of transportation to the country of destination. Croatia Post can provide detailed information on the movement of goods for registered mail, valuable and EMS items, as they are scanned when leaving the country and entering it.
The track number of the Hrvatska pošta order is a 13-digit combination of letters and numbers, for example – RB123654987HR, or RB123654987RU
Croatian Post Shipment tracking
You can track the parcel of the Croatian Post using the track number, which is issued to all shipments. Registered parcels receive a number, the format of which we will consider below, which can be tracked along the entire route. The rest of the parcels, with free or low shipping costs, receive a track number that can only be tracked along a certain section of the path.
To find out information about the shipment, you can use the official website of the company. To do this, you must enter the number in the “Follow shipment” panel. It should be borne in mind that tracking is provided only at the time of transportation of the parcel by this company. After the Croatian Post hands over the parcel to the postal operator responsible for delivery on the next leg of the journey, it will be necessary to track the parcel on another resource.
It will be much more convenient to use the Parceltrack tracker. The service allows you to track the parcel along the entire delivery path, even if the postal operator changes. Automatic identification of the delivery service by track number also greatly simplifies the search for information.
Hrvatska Pošta Tracking number formats
Croatian Post serves three classes of mail – simple, registered and simple tracked. Ordinary shipments are not assigned a number, they are sent without a receipt, and they are delivered to the recipient’s mailbox or branch (large sizes) after notification. It is difficult to track such parcels if they are sent from Croatia (there is no identifier – track number).
Registered and simple tracked items are assigned a unique number in accordance with the approved numbering rules used in international practice (technical standard S-10). It contains 4 letters (two at the beginning and at the end), 9 numbers. An example of a tracking number for an international parcel served by Croatian Post is VF123456789HR, where:
· V – departure category. There are only 6 of them:
R – заказная отправка;
V (как в примере) – отправление с объявленной ценностью;
C – посылка;
H – отправка из интернет-магазина (электронная торговля);
E – экспресс-отправка EMS;
L – простые отслеживаемые отправления корреспонденции.
· F – a unique index assigned automatically, from A to Z.
· 123456789 – 9 digits of a unique number, which is generated by the system upon acceptance of a shipment at the Belpochta branch;
· HR – postal identifier of the country of departure (Croatia, for Russia it is RU, etc.).
Of the two types of parcels that are assigned a track number, only those registered are issued against the signature of the recipient. Accordingly, the delivery service bears material responsibility only for them.
Croatia Post Parcel Tracking Statuses
To check the parcel by Croatian postal number, all the user needs to do is enter the track number of the receipt in a special field, and the system will provide information about the status of the shipment, for example, when it was received, the date and time of crossing the border, passing through customs, the approximate time delivery to the addressee and information about the recipient.
Hrvatska Pošta Tracking Statuses
Status | Translation |
Umetni stavku u vrećicu (Otb) | Insert item into bag (Otb) |
Primite artikl na mjenjačnici (Inb) | Receive item at office of exchange (Inb) |
Zaprimi artikl od kupca (Otb) | Receive item from customer (Otb) |
Zaprimite artikl u dostavnom uredu (Inb) | Receive item at delivery office (Inb) |
Primite artikl u uredu za razmjenu (Otb) | Receive item at office of exchange (Otb) |
Pošalji stavku u inozemstvo (primljena EDI) | Send item abroad (EDI-received) |
Dostava stavke (Inb) | Deliver item (Inb) |
Pošalji stavku na domaću lokaciju (Otb) | Send item to domestic location (Otb) |
Pošalji artikl na carinu (Otb) | Send item to customs (Otb) |
Povratna stavka s carine (Otb) | Return item from customs (Otb) |
Carinske informacije o stavkama zapisa (Inb) | Record item customs information (Inb) |
Umetnite stavku u domaću torbu | Insert item into domestic bag |
Zaprimi artikl na lokaciji (Otb) | Receive item at location (Otb) |
Pošalji artikl na fizičku isporuku (Inb) | Send item out for physical delivery (Inb) |
Pošalji stavku na domaću lokaciju (Inb) | Send item to domestic location (Inb) |
Slanje artikala na carinu1 (Inb) | Send items to customs1 (Inb) |
Pošalji artikl na domaću lokaciju 1119 | Send item to domestic location 1119 |
Povratna stavka s carine (Inb) | Return item from customs (Inb) |
About Croatia Post :
Croatian Post (Hrvatska pošta) is the country’s main postal company. The headquarters is located in Zagreb. Established in 1999, it is a state corporation of the Republic of Croatia. It owns more than 1016 emergency departments. In addition to postal services, Croatian Post offers financial, commercial and digital television services throughout the country. The company is a member of the Association of European State Postal Operators. Croatia is a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU).
The operator’s postal service includes: reception, storage, forwarding, transportation and delivery of national or international mail to the destination, subscription and delivery of printed publications to the population, express mail services (EMS).
Additional directions in the work of mail:
- ePost service – allows users to receive and send letters, messages and documents electronically.
- The hpekspres service is a high-speed delivery of Croatian mail covering the entire territory of the state.
- Financial services: cash transfer, bill payment, cash withdrawal. Post offices can also open savings accounts and purchase insurance policies.
- Postal store – has an assortment of retail goods, you can buy postcards, books, stamps, technical goods.
- Philately is the issue and sale of postage stamps.
- Telephone: +385 (0)1 6626 870
- Hrvatska Pošta Tracking Official site:
posta hrvatska tracking
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