Egypt Post Tracking – Egyptian post tracking to know parcel, package, Speedpost ems, delivery status. Get latest shipment status from EGYPT POST
Track Egypt Post Parcel

Egypt Post, also known as the National Postal Authority, is a government corporation. It was founded in 1865 and offers both postal and financial services. Over the 15 decades of its existence, its activities have been inspired by the rich Egyptian culture. For this reason, this postal service is one of the country’s key economic pillars.
In recent years, users of the Egyptian postal service have witnessed great technological advancement, all thanks to the latest innovations that have enabled citizens to trade both locally and internationally. This is due to the e-commerce portal and mobile application, which are available to all members of the global community.
Egypt Post has 4,000 branches throughout the country. Among the local and international postal services offered by this organization are postal services, registered mail, express mail, cash on delivery and package delivery services. The cost of all this is relatively affordable for all citizens. In addition, Egypt Post provides bill payment services.
Egyptian Post plays an important national role in social responsibility, demonstrating that it is a lever of government, offering many services to its citizens, such as pension payments, payment of utility bills and more.
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Where does Egypt Post operate their services ?
Since the National Postal Authority of Egypt is a member of the Universal Postal Union and an EMS partner, its work extends to all member countries of these organizations, including:
- European states, both western and eastern ( Russia , Ukraine , Belarus );
- USA, Canada and South American countries;
- countries of Africa and Oceania;
- Asian states ( China , Japan ).
Egypt Post Tracking Number Formats
According to generally accepted UPU rules, the Egyptian postal service provides users with the ability to track the path of their cargo. To do this, the parcel must be registered and assigned a tracking number consisting of numbers and letters. It can contain up to 9 digits. The barcode number always starts with one/two letters followed by 9 digits and ends with two letters indicating the sending country. For example: GH012345678VW or R # *** *** *** EG, V # *** *** *** EG, A # *** *** *** EG, C # *** ** * *** EG, E # *** *** *** EG, L # *** *** *** EG, etc.
Egypt Post tracking statuses
To check the parcel of Egypt mail by identifier, enter the 13-digit Egypt Post tracking number in the operator’s mobile application / on the official website of the Egypt Post postal service or on another tracking resource in a special tracking field. Remember, this option is only available for registered shipments.
The tracking system will allow you to view the status of the delivery item: from the moment it was registered to the date and time it was received by the addressee, including information about all movements. The user can see such statuses as “Goods left the transit point”, “Transit in progress”, “Customs clearance” and others. use a third party tracking system.
Do not worry if, after entering the identifier, it is not possible to check the parcel of the Egyptian mail, perhaps a little time has passed since its registration, and the updated information has not appeared in the system. The delivery time of the goods depends on the method and region of delivery. Egypt Post has an online portal that offers a delivery time calculator. This will allow customers to approximately estimate the time of receipt of the parcel.
Egypt Post parcel tracking statuses
Status | Translation |
تتم معالجتها من خلال التسهيلات | Processed Through Facility |
الوصول إلى مكتب الصرف الخارجي | Arrival at outward office of exchange |
وصل إلى مكتب التسليم | Arrived at Delivery Office |
تم تغيير المكتب الحالي عند الطلب | Current Office Changed on Demand |
الشحن في النقل | Shipment in transport |
يتم استلام الشحنة | Shipment is collected |
يتم تقديم الشحنة للجمارك | Shipment is presented to Customs |
الخروج للتسليم المادي | Out for Physical Delivery |
غادر من مركز البريد الوارد | Departed from Inward Mail Center |
يتم إرجاع الشحنة من الجمارك | Shipment is returned from customs |
يتم إلغاء تصدير الشحنة | Shipment export is canceled |
يتم إخطار العميل | Customer is notified |
محاولة التسليم | Attempt of Delivery |
About Egypt Post
Egyptian Post (Egypt Post) has a long history, it has existed since 1821, first as a private enterprise, since 1865 as a state enterprise, and in 1875 Egypt joined the universal postal union. Egypt Post is a very significant state structure, it provides a wide range of postal and financial services to both individuals and legal entities. Egypt Post sends and delivers (including courier) all types of correspondence, parcels, pays pensions, and accepts utility bills. Recently, the Egyptian post has been successfully developing in the field of digital technologies and communications.
The official website of the Egyptian Post with an English interface allows you to get acquainted with the list of services provided by the post, track the passage of the postal item by the track number, view the list of goods prohibited for shipment and calculate the cost of the parcel, if, for example, a tourist needs to send part of the purchased souvenirs home or as a gift to a friend.
- Telephone: (20) 235315900
- Egypt Post tracking Official site:
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