Brazil Post Tracking – Brazil Correios Tracking to know parcel, package, speedpost ems, delivery status.Get latest shipment status from Brazil POST

The Brazilian Post was created on January 25, 1663 and has been modernizing ever since, creating and delivering quality services that meet the expectations of customers. The billing structure of Correios generates 54.3% of revenue through exclusive services (letters, telegrams and group correspondence).
Together with the social sector, Correios offers cutting-edge technology solutions to meet the communication needs of companies and institutions in an increasingly competitive market. One of the company’s main products is the Sedex case, which leads the express delivery sector in Brazil.
In recent years, e-Sedex, Sedex 10, Sedex 12, Sedex Hoje and Sedex Mundi have been added to the service, making it even easier to deliver orders. Influenced by technological, economic and social changes, Correios began a deep modernization process in 2011, expanding its scope to withstand competition and provide more flexible and efficient services.
Geography of work
Correios now operates in 220 countries. The company operates in international postal segments, electronic, financial and integrated logistics services, creates subsidiaries in other countries, acquires control over shares or takes part in existing brands, enters into commercial partnerships. This new positioning will help make Correios a “world class” postal service.
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How to track a parcel by Brazil Post Tracking track number ?
You can find out at what stage of delivery a parcel sent through the Brazilian postal service in the tracking section on, the company’s official website. To do this, enter a 13-digit code (up to 50 numbers) in the “Tracking objects” field, separating them with a semicolon, and click the “Search” button. Examples of track numbers: AA123456789BR; AA987654321BR; AA100833276BR.
To request a range of ordered objects, separate the requested identifiers with a dash “-“. Example: SS123456789BR-SS123456799BR. Tracking information for registered items will be available for 180 days after the date of first publication.
Tracking of objects located in Brazil with codes starting with “R” and “C” and ending with “BR” is not guaranteed outside the country. For these shipments, postal operators in other countries may not provide and/or transmit tracking information to Correios. Estimated delivery time for registered orders is 40 business days from confirmation of payment of taxes (if any) and postal order.
It is impossible to check the parcel of the Brazil Post by the track number starting with the code “UM”, such shipments are not tracked in Correios. This code is used by the country of origin to indicate that the shipment is subject to import tax at the destination.
Brazil Post Tracking statuses
Registered items received from overseas with a code beginning with “R” are not express mode, so point-to-point tracking is not available. The information in the tracking system for these “R” objects includes only the events: “receipt in Brazil”, “delivery”, “delivery attempt”, or “waiting for receipt in the responsible department”. If the cargo is taxed, the following events will occur: “sending for inspection and taxation” and “exit from inspection”.
All Brazil Post tracking statuses are provided in Portuguese or English, alerts in other languages are not available. Parcels to other region that were delivered using Correios can only be tracked until they are received by delivery services on the territory of that location.
Benefits of Brazil correios corporation
Benefits of the Brazil correios corporation:
- Tracking brazil correios online;
- Opportunity to review FAQs or contact support Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm ET;
- The safety of parcels, cargo and documents brazil correios in Brazil is provided by fixing at points along the route;
- Search for parcels, cargo and documents (until the moment of export from the customs of Brazil);
- Possibility to independently calculate the cost of packaging and delivery of goods brazil correios using various calculators.
- Reimbursement of funds for the delay of parcels and goods, depending on the number of days of delay in delivery.
Tracking of parcels, documents and cargo through brazil correios starts from the date of dispatch along the route (one week later than the assignment of the track number), and delays in parcels may occur due to tax audits of brazil correios parcels in Brazil (up to 40 days).
You can put a parcel on the wanted list or demand a refund after the expiration of the delivery time (it is indicated on the receipt along with the track number of the parcel) or is displayed in your personal account on the seller’s website after the transaction is completed.
Found documents are stored in brazil correios for up to 60 days, so before submitting them to the wanted list, check the list on the website.
Please note that the Brazil correios corporation searches for parcels only in Brazil, searching for postal items in other countries can be very difficult.
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Tracking brazil correios parcels outside of Brazil is not guaranteed, in other countries other operators provide information (only 12 UN member countries), to track the path of brazil correios parcels in use the service
It should also be noted that parcels with the “UM” code are not trackable in Brazil (this code is assigned by the manufacturing country and indicates that the goods are subject to import tax at the destination).
Brazil correios tracking parcels by tracking number
Tracking brazil correios parcels by track number is quite simple (you can track up to 50 mail items at the same time). For this you need:
- Open a special section of the brazil correios website and translate the page into in your local language;
- Register on the brazil correios website (search will not work without registration);
- Print your track number for tracking parcels (without dots and other symbols) in the “Tracking by object or CPF / CNPJ” window and click the “Search” button.
If any section of the site is blocked, try using other browsers to log in.
When tracking postal items in Brazil, information is provided on the exact location, there are no reports on the full route of the brazil correios parcels.
About Brazil Post :
Brazil Post (Correios) is the national postal network operator in Brazil. One of the largest enterprises in Latin America. The main activity is the delivery of parcels, letters and money transfers. The organization was founded in 1663 and since then has been creating, modernizing and providing quality services that meet the expectations of its customers. The Post serves the population and business projects represented by individuals and legal entities, as well as the civil service. An individual approach is applied to all clients and optimal solutions are offered. One of the main sectors of the company is Sedex express delivery, established in 1982 and dynamically developing to this day.
Brazil Post Service includes:
- logistics services;
- postal delivery;
- courier delivery;
- Banking services;
- issue of stamps;
- e-commerce;
- distribution of periodicals;
- reception of citizens in post offices;
- interactive services.
Brazil Post cooperates with all world post offices, large courier and logistics organizations. Tracking of goods and securities can be carried out on the official website or using our universal service
Brazil Post Parcel Tracking Statuses
Status | Translation |
Objeto recebido pelos Correios brasileiros | Object received by the Brazilian Post Office |
Objeto encaminhado | Forwarded object |
Objeto recebido na unidade de exportação | Object received in the export unit |
Objeto postado | Posted object |
Inspeção aduaneira concluída | Customs inspection completed |
Objeto recebido em | Object received in |
A entrega não pode ser feita – Endereço errado | Delivery cannot be made – Wrong address |
Objeto deixado para entrega ao destinatário | Object left for delivery to recipient |
Objeto entregue ao destinatário | Object delivered to recipient |
Objeto postado após o tempo de corte da unidade | Object posted after unit cutoff time |
Tentativa de entrega falhada | Delivery attempt failed |
O objeto ainda não chegou à unidade. | Object has not yet arrived at unit |
Objeto aguardando retirada não indicado | Object awaiting withdrawal not indicated |
Brazil Post tracking official website :
- Support : +55 3003-0100
- brazil post office tracking
- track brazil post
- correios brasil tracking
- brazil correios tracking